Wednesday, June 22, 2005

good morning!

i got up early (6am) this morning and walked my dog. i actually tried to sneakily shirk my dog walking duties (w and i have begun to split up the week, whereby i walk on days he has to work and he walks when he doesn't have to; i usually get the weekend as well), but bella was having none of that. my alarm went off at 5:50am, i snoozed once and then got up. usually the dog won't let me snooze cause the alarm freaks her out. but if i catch it fast enough my reward is 10 more minutes. i got up and went out to the living room and laid down on the couch. i was hoping that i would "accidentally" fall asleep and not have time to take her, but she curled up on the couch with me and made me feel so guilty that i couldn't stand the thought of her being a basket case all day in the kitchen while w was at work. we left the house at 6:15am.

i keep meaning to bring my camera with me, as i see the coolest stuff at that time of day. this morning it was really misty and i saw a rabbit munching down on someone's lawn. squirrels, my dog gets excited about as they are so hoppity, but this rabbit was smart. it sat stock still and looked at my dog with big eyes and attentive ears. my dog's hackle raised and she sped up walking a bit as though she was afraid of the rabbit. too funny. i also passed a bush with a huge snail in it, and the snail was all stretched out of his shell. i don't know where he was trying to go or even how he got where he was (at the top of a tall bush) but it looked really cool.

so i resolve that the next time i get paid when we are no longer quite so broke, i am going to buy a protective case for my camera so i can take it on walks with me.


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