Friday, January 27, 2006

more randomness

i bought a slow cooker today to make barbecue. sadly, my texas boyfriend won and it is BEEF barbecue. he can't help it, he don't know no better, and i figured i'd oblige. it should be really good though, if that smell coming from the kitchen means anything. slow cookers RULE. you just dump a bunch of crap into them and leave for like nine hours and your dinner is all done. i have been doing some kind of involved cooking lately (oh yeah, and DO NOT, under any circumstances, try to make that thai noodle stuff i was talking about a few posts ago. it required much doctoring to be edible, and made way too much. we put a ton of it in the freezer, which is where large quantities of food go do to die in our house), an it was nice today to just chop up an onion and some garlic and dump a few other things in and go to school. w says the smell is driving him crazy, and i had to make him promise not to open the slow cooker while i was gone. i think i convinced him pretty easily though, when i told him that opening it would just increase the cook time.

and i think i'm going to order this dress for law school prom. not.


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beef, schmeef!

Also, I tagged you for a meme. Details here.


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