Wednesday, November 23, 2005

randomness (brought to you by fall break and copious mimosas)

w and i are watching the skeleton key. this is the movie that kate hudson was filming when i saw her in new orleans (and yes, she is as radiant as her imdB bio purports her to be). incidentally, john hurt was staying at the hotel where w worked and he regularly "ate" at the restaurant there (let the record show that the witness made the drinky drinky motion). it's decent as movies go, but i have notoriously low standards--ask my friends.

anyway, there's a scene where the intrepid kate is strangled from behind with a cord of some kind. i figure there has to be a trick to getting out of a situation like this, but google won't tell me. i know from my experience doing legal research on westlaw and lexis that i most likely just haven't found the right search terms yet. any suggestions?


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try "how to get out of a strangle hold," if you haven't already.
also, i think (from my days on the periphery of kung fu) that it has something to do with either head-butting the attacker or moving "into" the attack. or manipulating your chi. something like that.
philly and i saw that movie in the theater and though i liked it, he said, and I quote "this is a fucking voodoo movie!!???"
needless to say, he thought it was kinda stupid.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Mel said...

tell him it's a HOODOO movie, very different. amd i almost fell off my chair when i read the manipualting you chi bit, nice one.


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