Monday, October 24, 2005

one should never do anything in a half assed manner

i've really been phoning it in this semester. time to get serious.

and i finished somewhere in the 200s (out of over 1400) in the blogger tourney at poker stars on sunday. didn't win my coveted iPod nano, but i stayed alive longer than wil wheaton.

mock trial was tonight. though my level of preparation was embarassingly low, my witness (a very convincing w) really saved my ass. i got decent comments, and if it wasn't enough to move on, i can deal with that. it's time to start worrying about research and school work.

oh, and getting a job. i suppose no news continues to be good news, but i'm 0-2 so far with three left to respond. if i don't get a call in the next few days, it likely means the letters are coming and i am beginning to think about plan b.

but it's not all bad news. a necklace i ordered came in the mail today, we sold our tickets for the show we can't go to in vegas, and now that the weather is drier my haircut is starting to look good again. i promised a picture, so i will try to post one tonight of said necklace and good hair.


At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are the pictures? Huh?

Also, I must add that I love your title. Oh, Friedman.


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