Thursday, March 23, 2006

doodoo doodoo dweeEEEEEEEEEE!

i know, i know, everybody loves youtube so much now. i found this and spent the next three hours watching random shit. this was the show we actually saw which makes it that much cooler. god bless the interweb and people sober enough at shows to figure out how to work teh digital video part of their cameras.

also, i missed this when it aired, and i was glad to get to watch it. i would have been so nervous and totally choked, but she just shines. i think this girl's got the moxie to make it in the rough and tumble world of hollywood. go diablo!

and yes, i am aware of how totally lame my love of and nostalgia for this video makes me...and at this point in my life it prolly dates me a little too. but i can't help it! doesn't it make you want to get up and do the carlton dance? and don some legwarmers! and watch flashdance!


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