Sunday, July 17, 2005

here's the deal

okay y'all. i was going to manually move all my old livejournal posts to this shiny new blogger bloggity blog. but it's an epic pain in the ass and i'm a lazy biatch. so on the sidebar there is "leaving nola OLDSCHOOL" and that is the old livejournal. the archive if you will. i wish i knew how to make this little post stay at the top for a while, but i only have about two readers anyway (vague, crooked?)...oh yeah, and my faithful pet sitter/moot court partner. and they all know where the old LJ is. so no worries. i still may try to relocate, but it will be piecemeal as i have time. and i never have time.


At 1:58 PM, Blogger vague said...

Nice. I updated my link so it points here now.

Also, if you want more coments, you can switch the option to allow anonymous comments so people don't have to have a blogger account (like Crooked, for example). Just click on my name to see the rigamarole I go through for you, for, where was I?

Sorry, up late reading, mind a blank.


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