Sunday, November 27, 2005

odds and ends

so i got very little done over break, unless you count cleaning my house, doing laundry, replacing my kitchen faucet and getting drunk. schoolwise, i got very little done. but that's okay. (excuse coming) i had a major laptop meltdown, which has been in the woiks all semester. everything finally went kaput. i was able to save my documents and photos on my memory key, then i wiped the whole thing, erased it all and did a clean install of windows and have been going through the slow agonizing process of putting everything back on. all this so i can run gateway's stupid hard drive scan program so i can tell them what i have known for months--my hard drive is fucked up. i just need it to last through exams and i'll be fine.

i have also started a food diary over at, to keep me honest during exams. i spend so much time diddling around on the internet that it's not ridiculous to think that i will actually use it, and i actually have for going on 2 whole days now! they have a huge bank of known foods, and you can add you own custom ones as well (like my yummy kefir breakfast smoothie, which clocks in at about 300 calories). i considered making mine public to really keep me honest, but i don't need the whole internet knowing whether or not i meet my recommended daily allowance of selenium, do i? all kidding aside, it also has a weight tracker, and i am in the red right's funny, i don't feel "severely overweight," but the internet says i am and the internet doesn't lie. can't wait to just be moderately overweight!

because i am still goofing off instead of doing school work, look for a photo post later today with a big announcement.


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You already have me guessing! betta come through with this big announcement today or I will go nuts reloading this page!

At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...I still don't see any photo posts, or big announcements, so I am forced to use my imagination:

You ran into Paris Hilton in a restaurant in Lex and slipped her a Mickey, tied her up, and left her in the middle of campus with clown make-up on and a "kick-me" sign.


You won the lottery and finally bought that beach house!


You trained Bella in the fine art of knitting and she has knitted cozy winter sweaters for you and all your friends.

Well, I can only assume it was one of those things, so please tell which!

PS: speaking of slipping people Mickeys, the word to verify is "rooufoe."


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