Wednesday, April 12, 2006

pop quiz, hotshot:

two dogs in the living room.

one plate on the table with the onions you removed from your dinner.

now that plate is empty.


well, i couldn't be sure so i had to induce vomiting in both dogs. actually, i was pretty sure it ws emma as she was by the plate licking her lips, but i gave her the peroxide and she threw up a little and no onions. so i freaked and yanked bella into the kitchen and gave her some too. then emma erupted like vesuvius. the vesuvius of gross onion muck.

emma owes bella an apology.

for my friend with the new puppy, a public service announcement. the following people foods, in addition to the well known chocolate, are deadly to dogs:
onions, garlic, macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins, mushrooms, and sugarless candies or gum containing xylitol.

i reckon it takes a lot less of these things for a super small dog, so you have to be careful. should your dog consume any of this stuff, you should induce vomiting ASAP. the way to do it is to give them hydrogen peroxide, a little at a time, until they yak. it's easier to do this if you have one of those syringes like you use to irrigate your gaping molar holes after wisdon tooth surgery. i use one i got to give my cat some medicine. they totally hate it and fight you, but again, smaller dog = smaller fight.


At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a secret ingredient to make them CALM THE FUCK DOWN OH MY GOD???

Because it is 7 am and he has been up in crazy town since 5.30. AAAaaaaassshole!

Anyway thanks for the tip--I didn't know about the mushrooms, fruits, and nuts at all.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to be adversarial at all, b/c i trust mel in all these things, but my dad's dog eats grapes all the time, and he's fine. (i told him this b/c he didn't know they shouldn't eat them). and he's ok, so at least he may not keel over should he happen to snatch the thing off the floor or out of the bowl before you can stop him.

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Mel said...

yeah, i don't know. it might take a lot and it might be worse if it's raisins, but in some dogs grapes act badly in their bellies--they get super duper gas and all distended. they apparently sometimes have to be "de-gassed" somehow. i have never seen it myself, but it was one that i saw listed on several websites.


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