Friday, August 12, 2005

it's a gradual descent into a life i never meant

i am in nyc. i smell like a billy goat. the subway, she is a nasty biznatch.

had 10 screening interviews for the job fair today. what a meat market. if one more fucker asks me what i like about law school or what fucking practice group i want to pursue, i will cut them. but i'm about 75% back to normal now that i have cooled off and am drinking a beer. i'm staying here with my cousin. he lives about 10 blocks from where i got off the subway in a FIFTH FLOOR WALKUP. yes, my lovelies, dear auntie momar descended into the depths of new york city, waited POURING SWEAT from every pore on my body, including some which have never poured sweat before, for the train, switched trains in another hot ass subway station, then walked 10 blocks then up 5 motherfucking flights. your goddam right i'm cursing about it, biznatch.

and i peeled off my monkey suit and hung out in my bra and panties until the window unit kicked in enough for me to deal with clothes. my cousin is still at work, so get those gross ideas out of your heads, you sick fucks. he gets free wireless--something like 12 different signals of varying degrees of strength and security are accessible in his apartment. so now i'm dressed and drinking beer and waiting for him to come back so we can go drink beer at the bar his brother (my other cousin) works at.

but the good news is very, very good. i came back and plugged in and logged on and in my inbox was (drumroll please)


that's right, bitches! they liked my little ass so much that they couldn't even wait until monday. they called me back almost immediately. i am in high demand. now if i can only convince w that our country ass dog will make it in the city. damn, being in the big apple makes me curse like a sailor. of course it might also be that i was very careful all day to not drop the deadly f-bomb in an interview that the dam(n) of all the repression has finally broken and anyone i hang with tonight is in for it. i'll let you know.


At 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking brilliant, goddamnit!

Let me know how it goes, and have fun in NYC, biznatch!


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