Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i was right there until she started triangulating

went to an interesting talk about the impending judicial appointments. two law profs and two undergrad profs. the law profs were, of course, great. the undergrad ones, well, something less than engaging. a mindless dump of your data interspersed with how you conducted your study? NOT INTERESTING. what would have been interesting is, as i was asked to do so many times in college, identify AND state the significance of. don't just tell me about a trend, tell me why it is worth hearing about! oh yeah, and as a friend pointed out, tell us what your fucking y axis is, bitch! i was following along until she got to the north south portion of the compass analogy, and failed to explain what north and south stood for.

got out of smallville, to slightlylargercollegetown for a panic show last night. it was fun, but the venue was kinda weird...this outdoor pavillion at the downtown mall, a kind of open air shopping center. i missed my first class this morning, which sucks, but is not the end of the world.

and to completely change the subject, because i haven't ranted about it here yet, goddamit, the small town in which i live has made it even LESS convenient to try to recycle. i think i have officially given up. right now i either pitch, or make some kind of four chambered trash can recycle sorting system. and the outlook on something like that is not good. see they don't pick it up here at all. you have to drive it out to the recycle center. and they used to have an after hours drop place and let you just bring it in bags unsorted. now there are hours AND it has to be presorted AND they no longer take green glass. this sucks.

but it's not all bad news. my moot court brief is turned in, and we actually got it in just under the wire on time. oral arguments are this week and next. i have two callbacks next week and i get to to home for the weekend. i am expecting a check in the mail to reimburse me for the expensive plane ticket i had to buy to get to new york for my callback. and a friend of mine moved on up. things are finally slowing to a more manageable pace.


At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of this stuff, lady! We want to hear about the hair! THE HAAAAAAIIIRRRR!!

(just kidding! I feel your pain as far as badly-given talks go...and they don't go far, do they? hyuk, hyuk)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Mel said...

i go under the scissors tomorrow at 1pm. pictures will be forthcoming, unless the results are too hideous to post.


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