and the latest...
so bella now has these weird warts on and in her mouth. they started as smooth pink bumps but are now all bumpy like warts and more are coprring up every time i look in there (and the looking sends her shuddering in terror away from me, looking at me suspiciously for hours afterward). gah.
i brought her to the vet today and he charged me $40 to tell me that he's never seen anything like it in dogs, though he has seen it in pigs and cows before. his verdict? probably nothing, and there's really nothing to do about them for the time being. he's going to call a doggie dental specialist and some other folks and see if they have any wisdom to offer. they may have to be surgically removed and tested to see if it's something more serious, but it's all wait and see for now. i consulted dr. google before the vet appointment, and they basically said the same thing, it's some kind of viral deal and there's nothing to do but wait for them to clear up which will take about a month. there was some other scary stuff that it could be, but there would be other symptoms to go along with the growths, and so far none of those are present. i swear, i spend more on the vet than i spend on w's and my medical care. easily.
aww. poor thing. get her some ambesol!
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