Saturday, January 21, 2006

fracking cocktail attire!

saturday night is what is known as "over the hump." it's a party commemorating the fact that we are halfway through law school. and it's a goddam cocktail party.

i have gained at least 20 pounds since school started. i have a lot of cute clothes. which fit me a year and a half ago (funny how that works). so i have to go shopping in roanoke tomorrow to buy a cute, cocktail attire outfit that fits. i know i should be, but i'm not really looking forward to this.

i mean, what the hell is cocktail attire? i have black shoes, but they are most definitely "lawyer shoes" or "work shoes," not "fun awesome cocktail party shoes." so i'll be needing some of those. and what is even fashionable now? i mean, i got the rest of my refund check today, but i still can't afford to be spending more than target (the store) range money. and what else, besides really hot shoes, am i going to wear? i askes no fewer than three girls what they're wearing and heard; nice pants and a hot tank top, a dress, and a shirt & cute top. i need guidance people! i am a "what not to wear" in progress. i wear the same thing every day: jeans and a shirt of some sort. occasionally a long skirt and shirt. on lazy days, pyjama bottoms or warm up pants and a sweatshirt.

so wish me luck tomorrow. i'll probably end up getting disgusted with the state of my thighs one outfit into it and come home with nothing, wearing something that i already own which is wildly inappropriate for the event. ack! (when i have clothing dilemmas, i turn into kathy from the comic strip).