i am [stereotypical] woman, hear me roar!
i tried to be good. i had an english muffin with honey, a banana, and a small galss of juice for breakfast. it was even a light, whole-grain english muffin with extra protein.
but aunt flo is here, and she took me out to lunch at the local dive--2 "sauce burgers" and a bag of onion rings so saturated with grease that it nearly fell apart before i could get it open. followed by a chocolate bar when i got back to school. i don't generally associate "that time" with strange eating patterns, but this time it was pretty conspicuous. i feel like i'm on blossom or something. next thing you know, me and six will be sneaking back in from a party and get caught by my dad and she'll come up with some lame excuse and i'll come clean and have a touching moment with pops and joey will walk in and say "whoa!"