Thursday, December 01, 2005

i am [stereotypical] woman, hear me roar!

i tried to be good. i had an english muffin with honey, a banana, and a small galss of juice for breakfast. it was even a light, whole-grain english muffin with extra protein.

but aunt flo is here, and she took me out to lunch at the local dive--2 "sauce burgers" and a bag of onion rings so saturated with grease that it nearly fell apart before i could get it open. followed by a chocolate bar when i got back to school. i don't generally associate "that time" with strange eating patterns, but this time it was pretty conspicuous. i feel like i'm on blossom or something. next thing you know, me and six will be sneaking back in from a party and get caught by my dad and she'll come up with some lame excuse and i'll come clean and have a touching moment with pops and joey will walk in and say "whoa!"

Monday, November 28, 2005

but they're cool now

Originally uploaded by Bluemomar.
as you can see. emma is a puller, so we got her a harness. i think it looks like a shoulder holster for a gun, so we call them little kojaks when they have their harnesses on.

Whachoo talkin bout?

Whachoo talkin bout?
Originally uploaded by Bluemomar.
bella was not so sure about emma at first. this look pretty accurately conveys how she felt, i think. i didn't photograph the poo she left all over the house to show emma who's the big dog.

emmaline, you're so fine!

so fresh and clean
Originally uploaded by Bluemomar.
w and i should not be allowed to go to pet smart on saturdays. what began as a routine trip to get pet supplies ended with us bringing home a new dog. she was apparently adpoted out once for about four months and left outside, rarely getting food or love. she is of similar build and character as bella, so we figured they's get along pretty well. i have hesitated thus far to blog her becuase the first few days of adjustment were hairy to say the least (dogs express their displeasure with excrement--nuff said), and we weren't sure that she would work out. a few weeks later, and she is officially re-housebroken and getting along just swimmingly. she still has an unhealthy obsession with the cat, but kitty can hold her own, so no worries. the bed is getting crowded though. while we feel good about helping out a dog in need, this is the LAST pet that we will be getting for a while. this is the big announcement--sorry folks, but no job, wedding proposal, or christmas-goose-style-trussed-up paris hilton.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

odds and ends

so i got very little done over break, unless you count cleaning my house, doing laundry, replacing my kitchen faucet and getting drunk. schoolwise, i got very little done. but that's okay. (excuse coming) i had a major laptop meltdown, which has been in the woiks all semester. everything finally went kaput. i was able to save my documents and photos on my memory key, then i wiped the whole thing, erased it all and did a clean install of windows and have been going through the slow agonizing process of putting everything back on. all this so i can run gateway's stupid hard drive scan program so i can tell them what i have known for months--my hard drive is fucked up. i just need it to last through exams and i'll be fine.

i have also started a food diary over at, to keep me honest during exams. i spend so much time diddling around on the internet that it's not ridiculous to think that i will actually use it, and i actually have for going on 2 whole days now! they have a huge bank of known foods, and you can add you own custom ones as well (like my yummy kefir breakfast smoothie, which clocks in at about 300 calories). i considered making mine public to really keep me honest, but i don't need the whole internet knowing whether or not i meet my recommended daily allowance of selenium, do i? all kidding aside, it also has a weight tracker, and i am in the red right's funny, i don't feel "severely overweight," but the internet says i am and the internet doesn't lie. can't wait to just be moderately overweight!

because i am still goofing off instead of doing school work, look for a photo post later today with a big announcement.