this is fucking incredible. w, who is notoriously hard to please, called it "fantastic." this is the first unqualified compliment that i have ever gotten from him about a meal. he was like "dude, you bought a new piece of equipment to make this meal! it was epic!" awwwww. what a sweetie. usually, he's all "it's good. what?!? what do you want me to say?!? it's good, not phenomenal!" we're both sitting here in the living room, pants unbuttoned, too lazy to even speak to one another (we're IMing, and i'm actually close enough to spit on him at the moment).
and i was tagged by
vague to do an incredibly long meme. it's probably going to take me forever to finish, but here goes:
seven movies i have loved:1. out of africa
2. old school
3. the pillow book
4. the big lebowski
5. the grifters
6. the usual suspects
7. the world according to garp
seven books i like:1. the fountainhead by ayn rand
2. how to be good by nick hornby
3. the blind assassin by margaret atwood
4. anagrams by lorrie moore
5. the awakening by kate chopin
6. women in love by dh lawrence
7. a prayer for owen meany by john irving
seven things i say:1. punk!
2. he don't know no better.
3. dogs inside!
4. aw crap.
5. i had something to tell you which i totally just forgot.
6. where y'at, dude.
7. fuck!
seven things that attract me to a city:1. good food
2. water, preferably swimmable
3. good, fun, cool, educated young people
4. at least one (preferably more than one) great music venue
5. the possibility of celebrity sightings
6. decent public transportation (including a 24 hour taxi service)
7. cops with something better to do
seven things to do before i die:1. pass the bar exam
2. travel to at least six of the seven continents
3. an extended north american road trip in an airstream trailer
4. argue before the united states supreme court
5. start a dog reserve/hippie commune with my best friends (or at least all live in the same city again)
6. give birth
7. get married in vegas
seven things i can't do:1. be a vegetarian
2. quit smoking completely
3. backflips
4. keep up with a diet for more than a month
5. quit reading, listening to music or watching movies
6. play any instrument
7. stop obsessively checking blogs and celebrity gossip sites
seven people to tag:unfortunately i don't know that many people, and the ones i know are already doing this.
that was pretty fun and didn't take me as long as i thought it would. thanks
vague, you punk!