Saturday, April 22, 2006

wore slap out

my paper is finally finished. in the end it wasn't really legal at all. and it was fewer than the recommended number of pages. and it ws more practical than anything else. basically i suggested that reparations, while totally appropriate, were probably never going to happen. and that the congo should take steps to repair itself while still attempting to extract official recognition of the horrific shit that happened there. so still in the same vein as the stuff we learned in the class i think.

i slept very little in the days before the paper were due, and after turning it in i slept for 12 hours. then i went to my last class of the semester (evidence: bo-ring!) and realized about 30 minutes into it that if i waited until the end of class to leav e we'd never make it to raleigh in time for the show. in keeping with my law school tradition, i am at a show far from home instead of getting an early jump on my exam studying. this is probably why i don't have a big firm job right now. not that i don't still pull the grades, cause i do. i'm right up there. but i think they can sense that i have the kind of life that makes it to hard to work 100 hours a week. and i enjoy my life to much. i'm not willing to give it up.

but enough of that bullshit, i came here to talk about the show. even with leaving early, we pulled into the lot just as what we later learned was the first song was playing: proving ground, and it was smokin even from the parking lot. john keane played a bunch of songs with then, and that man can play the shit out of a pedal steel and slide guitar. quite a treat. at set break we met up with some online poker friends of walters and spent the second set with them.

we lost our (rental) car for a while, and it being kind of unfamiliar it took us longer than it should have to find it. walter's technique of asking people in various places what time they parked there ended up working for us in the end. we got somewhat complicated directions to the hotel from a nice cop, and managed to find it only having to turn around once or twice. my sister called last night from chapel hill; she's here for the weekend with some of her friends. and i talked to jerry, who's adorable baby i will get to see tomorrow.

walt's yelling at me to get in the shower. we're going to eat some food soon. i am back on "the diet" today after eating a huge wad of garlic fries last night at the show (not my fault--we left in such a hurry that i had had nothing to eat all day, and by 10 i had to have something. trust me, i'm regretting it today. oosh, my guts!).

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

in a coffee shop, in a city

there are 2 coffee shops (and incidentally 2 bars) in this small ass town. one rules and one blows. the lame one is the one which is open later. i know this place is schwag, but still, imagine my surprise. i ordered an iced coffee and the girl actually filled a large cup with ice and put hot coffee over it.

what. the. fuck.

i mean seriously, i'm going to pay the same amount for half as much watered down coffee? i need CAFFEINE, woman! i don't care if it's "yummy." i don't want yummy, i want the high test shit.

at the other coffee shop, there is a cute boy who worls the counter. he knows me and i don't even have to tell him "half the usual ice, no room for cream." and it's ICED COFFEE. like coffee that they brew, then chill. in the refridgerator. and it gets me goin.

so i made her give me a large HOT coffee instead, and it was passable. back to my huge ass paper.

Monday, April 17, 2006

and the latest...

so bella now has these weird warts on and in her mouth. they started as smooth pink bumps but are now all bumpy like warts and more are coprring up every time i look in there (and the looking sends her shuddering in terror away from me, looking at me suspiciously for hours afterward). gah.

i brought her to the vet today and he charged me $40 to tell me that he's never seen anything like it in dogs, though he has seen it in pigs and cows before. his verdict? probably nothing, and there's really nothing to do about them for the time being. he's going to call a doggie dental specialist and some other folks and see if they have any wisdom to offer. they may have to be surgically removed and tested to see if it's something more serious, but it's all wait and see for now. i consulted dr. google before the vet appointment, and they basically said the same thing, it's some kind of viral deal and there's nothing to do but wait for them to clear up which will take about a month. there was some other scary stuff that it could be, but there would be other symptoms to go along with the growths, and so far none of those are present. i swear, i spend more on the vet than i spend on w's and my medical care. easily.